Position Map
- Display Grid:
toggles displaying the grid on the position map
- Radius:
set the next poition's radius to this value
- Position Dropdown:
a list of all positions on the position map, (NOTE: selected position is the current position)
- Remove Position ("-"):
removes the current position from the list of position
- Click on Position Map:
adds a new position where clicked
- Ctrl+Click on Position Map:
set closes position to current position
- Arrow Keys:
move current position in the specified direction
- Shift+Arrow Keys:
move current position in a direction more
- Plus/Minus:
increase/decrease current position's radius
- Shift+Plus/Minus:
increase/decrease current position's radius more
- Add Cache ("+"):
adds a new cache line at the end of the cache list
- Remove Cache ("-"):
removes the last cache line from the cache list
- Wave #:
the wave number this wave will be
- Complete Condition:
select a complete condition for this wave to complete on
Time Elapsed / Survive Complete Conditions
- Seconds:
the number of seconds for this condition to be complete
Clear Spawned / Fortify/Portal
- Add Cache ("+"):
add a cache to accept
- Remove Cache ("-"):
removes the last cache from the list
Wave Events
- Location:
set the location for this event given the list of positions
- Use Current Location ("<"):
set the location to the current position
Wave Triggers
Wave Event